Life is Dance, Discover Your Moves
The greatest gift you can give to the world is the person you become.
Dallas Willard

What You Get + The LIAD Approach

What do you get with a coach?

You get someone who partners with you in a thought provoking and creative process that is designed to inspire you to maximize your potential.
To achieve serious results, all coaching engagements are tailored to the needs of the individual.
Three, Six, and 12 month engagements available.
Each session is 60 minutes via phone or zoom.

What is Andrew's approach to coaching?

Coaching is a client led endeavor with the coach serving to support the client in achieving their goals, The Life is a Dance (LIAD) approach covers the following:
  • honoring your creative spirit
  • variety of learning methods
  • future visions & clarity of purpose
  • confidence in knowledge and action
  • effective communication
  • avoiding and navigating burnout
  • balancing career, craft, relationships & self care
  • finding inspiration in personal and professional aspects of life
  • exercising adaptability & navigating change
  • attitude versus skill in life
  • delegation & simplifying problems
Want coaching from an explicitly Christian Worldview? Find out more here.

Coaching for Creativity

The smallest unit of creative action is a choice.
Andrew Nemr
The pursuit of creative expressions – painting, drawing, acting, writing, entrepreneurship, for example – is often fraught with challenges, blocks, amidst the successes. Many experience an unending rollercoaster of highs and lows. What if the experience of being creative could be different?
By honoring the specific experience of creatives – the heightened exposure, deeply personal experience, and immense skill – Coaching for Creativity aims to support clients in their pursuit of the creative life.
What if we honored our creative nature? What if we could lovingly engage in our creative pursuits?
"Andrew’s calmness, curiosity and experience helped guide me to find more clarity in my creative practice and career. His questions allowed me to highlight what I truly valued and how to continue to approach my craft with integrity. I often resorted to anger with the actions of others, yet with his guidance I was able to view situations with compassion and understanding for others. "

Danny N.
Professional Performing Artist
"My coachings with Andrew have shaped me invaluably, both personally and artistically. Andrew is an attentive listener, and asks questions that prompt meaningful contemplation of one's identity, and relationship with their craft. Working with Andrew has equipped me to cultivate a healthy relationship with my artform, while pursuing excellence in my work as an artist."

Zach O.
Professional Classical Musician

Coaching for Possibility

Knowledge of possibility leads to confident action toward a particular kind of life.
Andrew Nemr
Life is the output of an individual's formation. Our actions come out of who we are inside. Coaching for Possibility takes individuals on a inner journey with a focus on achieving particular goals.
Questions guide the way, as clients discover the power they have to interrupt old patterns and establish new ones in their day-to-day lives.
Clients enter into a time of experimentation, testing, and listening as they engage in becoming who they want to become.
"Andrew is a gentle, inquisitive soul. His curiosity leads him to ask perceptive questions – the kind that make me pause and reflect before answering. It also equips him to share pertinent observations and life experience so that I’m better equipped to interrogate my own challenges. As a result, I always leave our conversations with enhanced clarity and refocused purpose. He’s a fantastic coach."

Jason E.
Business Owner + Writer

Coaching for Change

Change presents a putting away of old things and discovery of new things.
Andrew Nemr
Change is one of the most challenging experiences in life. The often unexpected interruption of common patterns can be painful, requiring time to grieve. At the same time, there is great opportunity available to us in time of change to discover and establish new ways of being.
Coaching for Change uses the ideas of improvisation and creativity, supporting clients through the grief and wonder that profound change often instigates.
Clients experience times of exploration, listening, and discovery as they engage with their personal journey in the midst of challenging times.
"Being coached by Andrew has brought me a more coherent understanding of how to navigate the process of changing as a person and artist – who I used to be, in relation to
who I am becoming."

Julian M.

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explore more COACHING by ANDREW NEMR

Andrew Nemr © 2024